June 9, 2011

In the meantime...

While I'm reading, I figured I would post about one of my favorite books.

So! V for Vendetta. Yes, I know it's a graphic novel. Some people might call it a "comic book". However, there is nothing funny about the book. It's a dystopian view of the future, and really makes the reader think. V, the masked main character of the book, is fighting for democratic ideals in a world where there are none. The story takes place in England, which has been taken over by a political party called Norsefire. There are places where people such as homosexuals and gypsies are taken that can be called concentration camps. Everything is censored. Needless to say, it's a very depressing place.

V escaped from one of the camps and decided to fight back, using terrorist-like tactics- blowing up buildings and whatnot. In his attempt to bring down the government, he saves a girl named Evey and starts teaching her his view of the world.

I don't want to give away the ending so there's not much more that I can really say. This is a book that you can read over and over again and find something new each time. There was a movie made based on the book, but it focuses a lot more on romance than the book does; the book focuses more on anarchy. Many people criticize the book, as well as the movie because V uses violent means to try and achieve what he wants. For instance, here's what the Christian Movie Review site had to say about it:

  "V FOR VENDETTA is also a very scary and dangerous movie because it is liable to incite more political terrorism by Muslim fanatics and left-wing ideologues. Of course, contrary to the skewed political theories in the movie, Parliament is actually a symbol of democracy, not totalitarianism. And, fascism is actually a left-wing, atheist heresy, not a development of Christianity. Finally, the Koran is not a beautiful religious text, but a deceitful, hateful one that leads its followers away from God and away from God's Law, Grace and Truth."

From reading this, it's obvious that they missed the point of the movie and book -what it comes down to is that he is fighting for the right of the people to say and do what they please without fear. And isn't that part of what we believe in here in America? I believe that's why we have freedom of speech. AND freedom of religion. I love the irony of how they preach tolerance and love and then say the Koran is hateful- it's just another viewpoint. TOLERATE IT. Anyway, I believe I'm getting off topic so I will just end with saying: Read the  book. Form your own opinions. I hope you enjoy it.

June 7, 2011

An Idea

So, even though it seems like everyone else with internet access and a computer has one, I have decided to start this blog. Mostly because I have too much free time on my hands. To say that I like books would be a huge understatement. To say that I love books...would still be a pretty big understatement. I read many different kinds of books and, for a while now, I have been wanting to write reviews on them, for two reasons. One, because, as stated before, I have way too much free time. Two, because I want to help people looking for books to enjoy.

It seems like hardly anyone has time to read anymore. I can imagine that when people find the time to, they don't want to sit down and waste their time on a story they get halfway into and realize they don't like. By writing reviews, I want to tell you what to expect, what my personal opinion is, and then have you make up your mind about whether or not you want to spend time on the book or not. Because, believe it or not, all books are not worth reading. When there are so many fantastic stories out there, you don't want to spend time on only the mediocre ones. You want to spend time on the ones you get sucked into, and the characters come alive, and the story becomes so real you forget about everything else around you until you flip past that final page and close the covers, and then lean your head back, close your eyes and breath a sigh of contentment. I hope I can help. Plus, I need a place to post stuff I write. So voila. Here it is.