August 3, 2011

Pretend Adulthood

Have you ever just completely accidentally stumbled upon an author? And than realized that "Oh my God, [insert author's name here] is  amazing, why didn't I read their books sooner?!" That's kind of what happened with Laurie Notaro. I was surfing the Barnes & Noble website when I found her and ordered the book at the library. The title Autobiography of a Fat Bride: True Tales of a Pretend Adulthood was intriguing and I thought the book might be good for a laugh or two.
Not going to lie, the cover alone made me laugh too

I was not disappointed. Notaro is mean. There is no nice way to put it. But she is mean in a way that makes you laugh and understand why she says what she does. She tells stories of her life and her family that are absolutely hysterical and made me laugh out loud. She covers the manipulative ways of a three year old, what really happens when you get married, as well as the horrors of getting old and the stress of having a husband who has issues with house work. Or in her words, "...a man who would rather live in the dark like a bat for sustained periods of time than change a lightbulb."

Pictured: Extreme laziness

Notaro does have other books such as I love Everybody (and other atrocious lies) and I'm planning on reading those too because I simply cannot get enough of her. If you're tired of reading creepy books about serial killers like I was, this book will remind you that there are things to laugh about in this world.